Clavier d'ordinateur

Your Frequently
Asked Questions

What are Incoterms?

Incoterms stands for INternational COmmercial TERMS and they set out the reciprocal obligations of the seller and buyer as part of an international sale/purchase contract. The Incoterms must feature on every commercial invoice.

We transport the parcels that you send according to the Incoterms below. However, please note our express services are covered by the DAP Incoterms (formerly DDU or Delivered Duty Unpaid).

In certain cases we can accept parcels sent under DDP Incoterms or Delivered Duty Paid. For further questions please ask your sales adviser.

Payment of shipping costs

Sending Country




DAP (ex DDU)

The sender makes the wrapped goods available to the consignee on the sender’s premises (formerly Works).

The sender pays the pre-freight costs of shipping the parcel to the Chronopost depot.

The sender pays the costs of shipping the parcel to its destination country.

The sender pays the costs of shipping the goods (excluding customs duty, taxes and other importation costs which are paid by the consignee).

Les Incoterms


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