Professional Terms and Conditions of Sale


With the exception of the special terms and conditions applicable to certain services, these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter “GTC”) define the procedures for the performance of services with respect to the transport of documents and goods performed under the CHRONOPOST® trademark. 


A list of the countries served and the special characteristics of the services offered are available on the following website:


In whatever capacity it acts, but especially in its capacity as a forwarding agent or carrier, CHRONOPOST undertakes to ensure shipping operations as from the time of accepting parcels until they reach their agreed destination, in accordance with the route, procedures and carriers selected by CHRONOPOST.


Any special or standard conditions stipulated by the sender may only take precedence over these GTC if they have been expressly accepted by CHRONOPOST.



The Sender shall comply with the following conditions of admission

2.1 Standard Parcels 

To be mechanized, parcels must correspond to the following specifications:

Weight: equal to or less than 30 kg. For the Chrono Relais services: equal to or less than 20 kg.

Maximum dimensions: the sum of the length + 2 heights + 2 widths must not exceed 300 cm, the length must not exceed 150 cm. For the Chrono Relais services: the sum of the length + 2 heights + 2 widths must not exceed 250 cm, the length must not exceed 100 cm.

For parcel that exceeds these specifications, an “Outsize” additional cost will be invoiced according to tariff in force depending on the weight of the parcel.


2.2 Non mechanized Parcels

Parcels that have at least one of the following attribute could not be mechanized and therefore, an extra lump sum could be charged:

- maximum dimensions: length or diagonal exceed 110 cm;

- minimum dimensions: 30 cm x 21 cm minimal, or thickness of 3 cm, or weight of 200 grams;

- parcels with unstable or irregular shapes (sphere, cylinder, roll);

- parcels incorrectly or partially wrapped;

- parcels incorrectly labelled or with an unreadable or hidden label;

- parcels with an overhang element;

and generally, every parcel that need a particular manual treatment.


2.3 Non-compliant Label

The Sender undertakes to give to Chronopost the labelled parcels, each with a label with a different parcel reference.

These labels must be necessarily affixed on the plane surface of the parcel, the bar code must be visible and printed correctly.

Parcels badly labeled or the label of which is badly positioned, illegible, partially masked, soiled, or not allowing the reading of the bar code, shall be subject to a fixed additional cost, called “Non-compliant label”, according to the pricing in force.



In general the following cannot be accepted: 

any goods which come within the scope of national or international regulations concerning dangerous products such as, (the following list is not exhaustive), munitions, gases and inflammable, radioactive, toxic, infectious or corrosive materials, and any objects which, by their nature or given their packaging, may represent a danger for drivers or staff responsible for handling the goods in question, or a danger for the environment, or put the safety of the transport means at risk, or possibly damage other parcels being transported, or vehicles or third parties;

- jewellery, clocks or watches, precious stones and precious metals, money, currency, banknotes, financial or securities, securities or payment, debt securities or commercial paper, gift vouchers, phone cards or similar and generally any paper or other medium to make a payment and fungible / or subject to the laws governing the transportation of cash;

- animals or other living beings, whether alive or dead, plants in all forms, controlled-temperature goods, perishables products or goods, biological or blood sample, organs, and any products under suspension arrangements with respect to excise duty;

- all types of weapons including imitation weapons, narcotics, psychotropic drugs, pieces of art, works of art, antiques, collector’s goods, publications or audiovisual media prohibited by any applicable legislation or regulations; 

- tenders, pre-qualification dossiers in the context of the allocation of contracts, application files and copies of examination papers, and all prototype.


For international transport, in addition to items to which the restrictions set forth above are applicable, the following items cannot be accepted: furs, and all objects that are prohibited from being imported by the country of destination.


The sender undertakes to inform CHRONOPOST of any special characteristics which are not immediately apparent but which could have repercussions on the transport of the goods to be shipped.


If the sender entrusts CHRONOPOST with the transport of objects or documents to which the above-mentioned restrictions are applicable, any such object will travel at the sender’s sole risk and peril, without CHRONOPOST’s liability. 

Therefore, the sender shall bear all and any consequences caused by the failure to comply with these restrictions and shall be held responsible for damage to third parties and / or CHRONOPOST;


In the event of non-compliance with the above provisions, CHRONOPOST may dispose of the parcels in a reasonably expedient manner, in particular to abandon their forwarding, and sender agrees to indemnify CHRONOPOST for all the consequences resulting for the latter, regardless of their nature.


If the sender entrusts CHRONOPOST with goods subject to excise duties that have been paid, without prejudice to the restrictions set forth above, the sender undertakes to comply with all the regulations in force, including those concerning traceability, in order to be in a position to certify, if necessary, correct handling of such duties, in such a way that CHRONOPOST may never be involved or held liable on that score.


CHRONOPOST may accept the transportation of hazardous goods that are subject to specific and particular provisions (such as for some lithium batteries) or wrapped in limited quantity according to provisions of ADR Agreement, IMDG Code, or IATA regulation, provided prior signature of an agreement after approval of the security counsel of Chronopost.

In any event, hazardous goods will only be accepted provided the specifications of labels, documentation and packaging have been respected by sender. Some goods needs the provision of the specific waybill.



Content: the sender will be held liable for any damage caused to third parties and/or CHRONOPOST by a parcel to which the restrictions set forth above are applicable and any consequences resulting from failure to observe these restrictions.

Mandatory information: the sender will be liable for the information given on the waybill, especially those concerning the surname and first name for a physical person, the business name for legal entity, and also the geographic address of the addressee allowing its geolocalisation (including the number, name of the street, postcode, country, and door code), the mobile telephone number and/or his email address. Those mandatory informations must be exact, accurate and complete, so that standard delivery conditions are possible.

Packaging: all parcels are prepared and conditioned in a secure environment, in a closed and resistant packaging, suitable for the contents and meets the various transport requirements, including continuous handlings. Each parcel must be labelled as described in article 2.3 of these GTC. Failing this, parcels will be transported at the sender’s sole risk and peril, who will be liable for all the consequences of an absence, insufficiency or defect in the outer-packaging, internal packaging or labeling. 

- Weight: the sender will note the weight of the parcel on the waybill. CHRONOPOST can check the weight declared by the sender, and reserves the right to correct any error or omission concerning the weight, applying either the actual weight or the volumetric weight, based on the indications provided by its weighing equipment, which is regularly checked, the weight taken into account for invoicing being the highest given. The sender authorizes CHRONOPOST to regularize the sums invoiced in the light of any modifications obtained in this way. 

- Customs formalities: in the event that customs formalities must be completed, the exporter and/or importer gives a direct representation mandate to CHRONOPOST in its capacity as Registered Customs Representative, in order to act in its name and on its behalf in the context of customs declarations. Customs clearance services shall be invoiced in accordance with the provisions of the Price section.

The exporter and/or the importer will be responsible for presenting all the documents necessary for the completion of customs formalities in conformity with the regulations applicable, and to provide when appropriate its EORI number and its intracommunity VAT. The sender will be required to pay any expenses borne by CHRONOPOST in the event of an inaccurate declaration and any charges incurred by the addressee which have not been paid by the latter. Unless otherwise agreed, only DAP shipments (Incoterm ® ICC 2020: Delivery At Place) are accepted by Chronopost. No parcel may be shipped under the temporary exports regime. CHRONOPOST cannot accept liability for any act or omission attributable to the exporter and/or the importer or the Customs department. The exporter and/or the importer will be solely liable for any financial consequences stemming from declarations or documents that are inaccurate, incomplete, inapplicable or provided late, and for any failure of regulations, including customs, that might result in CHRONOPOST’s having to pay duties, additional taxes or a fine to the authority in question. The mandate given to Chronopost does not include representation in the context of a dispute with customs administration. 

Parcel giving rise to an after sale additional treatment to allow the export or the import, will give rise to an additional cost invoiced according to the pricing in force.

A support tool for customs procedures is available on

Labelling: The sender undertakes to send to CHRONOPOST, via EDI, a file containing all the shipments, each day and no later than 23:59. 



In the context of Customs or security inspections, the sender agrees that CHRONOPOST, in its capacity as an authorized agent, or any government authority, including the Customs, may at any time open and inspect parcels entrusted to CHRONOPOST, without its being possible for exercising of this right to in any way affect the fact that the sender will remain solely responsible for the veracity of their declarations.

Furthermore, the sender is hereby informed that all parcels loaded onto aircraft are likely to be subject to safety inspections which may involve the use of X-rays.

If after having suspended the shipment for safety reasons or controls, CHRONOPOST fails within a reasonable period of time to obtain the instructions of the sender or the addressee, and/or the documents necessary for the resumption of the shipment, Chronopost will be entitled to destroy the parcel or dispose of it, without it’s liability being held for account.  


For international shipments, the sender represents and warrants that it complies with all applicable national and international export control regulations, and in particular that it complies with any restrictive measure or embargo imposed by an international organisation.  The sender ensures that it will not entrust Chronopost with parcels, if the sender or any third party concerned by the shipment is subject to restrictive measures or placed under embargo by an International Organisation (UN, EU, US, etc.). The sender acknowledges that it does not appear among the persons or entities identified on any list drawn up by an international organisation, in particular on the “Specially Designated Nationals List” (SDN) issued by the OFAC (US Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control), and that it will not entrust Chronopost with parcels to an addressee who appears on those lists. 

Failing this, Chronopost reserves the right to (i) suspend or interrupt the routing, (ii) give to the competent authorities all required information and apply the procedure required by them, including the destruction of the parcel at the expense of the sender, and this without Chronopost’s liability being held for account. 

Parcel giving rise to an export control, will give rise to an additional cost invoiced according to the pricing in force.



Chronopost does not provide deliveries with TSA, Cedex, PO Box, “CS”, “Libre Réponse” or “poste restante”. 


In the event of any damage or loss of content, the addressee must express full, precise, written reserves, dated and signed, on the delivery slip, at the time of delivery.


The addressee’s digitized signature, and the reproduction thereof, or any indisputable means of secure identification, constitute proof of the delivery of a parcel, and the parties acknowledge that the said signature is legally valid in exactly the same way as a traditional signature on paper.


Any object which it has not been possible to deliver and is accordingly being held at the Post Office will be handed to the addressee or their agent or representative on presentation of proof of their identity and after payment of any duties and taxes (VAT, customs duties, dock dues (octrois de mer), other taxes) in force, as well as the customs clearance services performed by Chronopost. 


For internal nationwide shipments, and unless otherwise specified by the sender, an interactive delivery service (Predict) is offered to the consignee, who will then receive a notification at the time the parcel is taken over by CHRONOPOST or in case of delivery’ failure. The consignee could then directly change:

- the date of initial delivery (within a maximum of six (6) business days from the initial date), and/or

- the place of delivery chosen by the sender, such as a nearby point (Pickup point or CHRONOPOST’s depot), suggested by CHRONOPOST within the initial perimeter of delivery, or the address of an identified neighbor or a safe place of delivery agreed with Chronopost.


In case the consignee changes its initial day of delivery by communicating an instruction to CHRONOPOST, then the Sender will not be allowed to ask for an indemnification based on late delivery.


In case the parties (sender and/or recipient) have previously agreed on the possibility to collect and/or deliver even in the absence of the sender or the recipient, the service is deemed to be perfectly performed on the sole basis of the mentions of computerised tracking established by Chronopost.


The mobile number of the addressee and/or his e-mail address are required and transmitted to Chronopost on the letters of transport and/or during the transmissions of electronic files of the end of the day, to allow the notification of the addressee.




CHRONOPOST will be liable for any loss or material direct damage caused to a parcel while it is being transported and liable in the case of non-delivery, except in the event of fault on the part of the sender or the addressee, a case of force majeure, an inherent defect in the item concerned, or inadequate packaging, such cases constituting a non-exhaustive list of situations in which CHRONOPOST cannot be held liable.

If CHRONOPOST's liability has been established, its liability will be for the value of the goods at the time of loss, or the cost of their repair, or the direct costs of recreating documents, subject to a limit of €250 per parcel, on presentation of documentary proofs. 

However, the limit of liability for the Chrono 18, Chrono Classic and Chrono Relais Europe service offers, as well as for any parcel containing mobile phone items and/or accessories, is fixed up to €23 per kilogram with a maximum of €690 per parcel, on presentation of documentary proofs.



Chronopost cannot be held liable for late delivery in case of force majeure as defined by article 1218 of the Civil Code. The parties agree that a late delivery resulting from a regulatory measure imposed by public authorities due to a pandemic, or any other measure taken by public authorities likely to affect the delivery timeframes, or even air or road traffic disorders linked to a local event, will be considered in particular as a case of force majeure. 

For internal nationwide shipments, delivery timeframes shall be understood as follows:

- Loading of parcels from Monday to Friday. However, in case the parcels have been left in Post Offices or CHRONOPOST’ agencies, the timeframes are understood to involve the acceptance of parcels from Monday to Saturday morning. 

Pick up of parcels out of post offices or at CHRONOPOST’s agencies on Saturday is possible after a feasibility study regarding economical and operational issues. In case the feasibility is confirmed, an additional cost shall be invoiced for the said loading of parcels.

- Delivery of parcels from Monday to Friday, except on public holidays. Depending on the service offer, delivery on Saturday is possible as an option. 

For the day after public holidays, parcels might be delivered during the day, without time commitment. For some coastal islands delivery time might suffer a one-day extension.

Parcels accepted on Saturday or the day before public holidays to Corsica will be delivered on Tuesday or the day after the public holiday. In addition, for the Chrono 18 service offer, the delivery time may be extended by one day for Corsica.

For international shipments, delivery timeframes are understood to involve the acceptance of parcels from Mondays to Friday and deliveries made throughout the week from Monday to Friday, apart from shipments handed in on a Saturday, for which the timeframes will begin to run on the following Monday. Deliveries are made on working days, except on public holidays, in the country of destination.

Any damage relating to a late delivery or to a refusal of the parcel as result of a late delivery, likely to be caused as part of the export control, as mentioned in article 5, cannot be subject of any claim for compensation, CHRONOPOST’s liability cannot be held thereby. 

In case of delay in the delivery resulted from its personal fact, CHRONOPOST undertakes to settle an exclusive and fixed equal compensation which cannot exceed the price of the transport (right, taxes and excluded miscellaneous expenses), upon written request of the sender, in full compliance with the claim procedure defined in Article 9 below.


Parcels for which an “Outsize” additional cost has been applied will not get any indemnity in case of late delivery.



CHRONOPOST cannot be held liable for compensation in respect of any consequential and/or indirect loss, regardless of the cause thereof.



The sender may insure the contents of their parcel within the limit of the maximum authorized ceilings and in return for payment of a premium that includes any management administration charges, in conformity with the price schedules and terms and conditions that can be consulted at, or featuring in any special contractual terms and conditions, with the exception of restrictions relating acceptance

The sender must declare the value excluding VAT of the parcel as from the first euro, and pay the corresponding premium.

The insured value is automatically substituted for the maximum compensation as determined for loss and damage above mentioned.

The insurance policy covers any loss or damage caused to the item transported. 

It does not cover consequential damage, any loss caused by delay or any indirect loss (such as loss of market share, loss of earnings, loss of enjoyment, etc.).

The insurance policy does not cover fault on the part of the sender or the addressee, defect in the item transported, inadequate packaging, terrorist acts, civil commotion, riots, and circumstances of war or nuclear damage of any kind.

As the insurance policy is taken out by CHRONOPOST on the sender’s behalf, the latter may take direct appeal against the insurer for compensation with respect to any loss suffered. 



Under penalty of foreclosure and non-admissibility, any claim must be specifically sent to “CHRONOPOST Customer Service” in writing, at the address stated on the waybill, or via the Online Customer Service available on the Customer area, within the following deadline:


- For the national transport: at the latest within three (3) days from the delivery for the professional senders or at the latest within fourteen (14) days from the delivery to the consumers.

- For the international transport: at the latest within twenty-one (21) days from the delivery for any professional or consumer.


Claims must state the grounds on which they are based and be accompanied by proofs of the loss suffered (consignment note, purchase invoice, pictures justifying the damage etc.).

Claims will only be admissible if the transport charge has been paid. 

Unless detailed reservations are expressed by the consignee on the delivery slip, it is the claimant's responsibility to provide proof that the damage occurred during transport and establish that the damage was caused by the transport.



The service provided is invoiced in the light of the area of destination, the type of service ordered and the actual or volumetric weight of the parcel.

Chronopost could apply the volumetric invoicing principle, if the volumetric weight is higher than the actual one.

The volumetric weight shall be computed as follow: (length cm x width cm x height cm) / 5000.

In the event in which no parcel is entrusted during the scheduled pick-up, an additional cost will be invoiced per parcel according to the pricing in force. 

Concerning the parcels for which a correction of the address has been necessary or which have been sent back to the sender, as well as shipment with several parcels sent to the same addressee, additional costs might be invoiced, according to the pricing in force. Where manual handling is required to redirect a parcel to the sender, an additional charge will be applied per parcel, in accordance to the pricing in force.

Concerning shipments sent to Corsica, as well as for shipments to a destination difficult to reach (islands, mountain…) or a remote area, an additional cost will be invoiced per parcel according to the pricing in force.

In the event of a failure to transfer compulsory additional information (cell phone of consignee and /or his email address) or to communicate mandatory information that allows geolocation of the geographic address, an additional cost will be invoiced, according to pricing in force.

Each parcel shipped will be subject to an additional charge called "Eco-Responsible Participation" based on the prices in effect.

The prices in force will be revised in the event of any significant fluctuations in CHRONOPOST’s costs as a result of conditions beyond the latter’s control, such as the cost of propulsion energy products (L.3222-1 of the Transportation Code).

The non-compliance with the regulation concerning the integration of the propulsion energy products cost increasing in the transportation prices is criminally punished (L.3242-3 of the Transportation Code).

Under the mandate given to Chronopost, in its capacity of Registered Customs Representative, customs clearance services, in addition to applicable duties and taxes, will be invoiced according to the pricing in force depending on to the country of destination and the chosen Incoterm® ICC 2020.

For all professional clients who are under contract with Chronopost, an account management fee shall be applied by account, each time an invoice is issued, according to the pricing in force. 

In addition, Chronopost offers an electronic invoicing service that complies with French tax law, in order to reduce the impact on the environment. In case of non-subscription to this service, a monthly additional cost will be invoiced per account number, for sending a paper invoice, according to the pricing in force. 



Payment shall be made within the agreed time and shall not exceed thirty (30) days as from the date of the issuing of the invoice (Article L.441-11 of Commercial Code).

In case payment is made pursuant to SEPA debiting, the previous notice for each debiting is at least five (5) working days.


In case of late payment or non-payment, all sums due shall automatically and without prior notification, become immediately payable and interest shall become due calculated on the basis of the refinancing rate of the European Central Bank (refi rate), with a mark-up value of ten (10) points of percentage, and a fixed compensation for collection fees of forty (40) Euros, without prejudice to any damages and other costs which CHRONOPOST reserves the right to claim. 

Any sums due will run as from the due payment date until the date of their effective payment.

The parties agree that their reciprocal receivables and debts arising from the performance of these GTC may not be offset on the sole initiative of either of the two parties.

No discount will be given in the event of early payment. 

In the event of a deterioration of the contracting party’s solvency and/or a payment incident, CHRONOPOST reserves the right to require the provision of a guarantee and/or to review the terms and conditions of payment. 

All import and export duty payable on parcels will be payable on delivery

In case the exporter chooses the DDP delivery (Incoterm® ICC 2020: Delivery Duty Paid), said duties will be charged to him and payable on the invoice, pursuant to the provisions of article 10.



The sender expressly acknowledges that CHRONOPOST has a contractual possessory lien representing a lien and preferential right with respect to all goods and documents in CHRONOPOST’s possession, as security for claims (invoices, interest, costs incurred, etc.), which CHRONOPOST holds against the sender.



Claimant that is considered as consumer shall have the opportunity, in case Chronopost's response does not satisfy him or in case he has not received a response two (2) months after filing his complaint to the Mediator of Group La Poste, PO Box Y812 – 5 rue du Colonel Pierre Avia - 75757 PARIS CEDEX 15,, which has jurisdiction in any dispute relating all the services covered by these GTC. The mediation procedure is free. Claimant as consumer may submit his request to the Mediator of La Poste, either directly or through an intermediary (consumer association, lawyer, elected another mediator…).



The parties undertake to respect the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact concerning Human Rights, Labour Rights, the environment, the fight against corruption, as well as all regulations relating to the fight against terrorism and money laundering . They undertake to respect and maintain in force adequate procedures in order to ensure compliance with all applicable anti-corruption/anti-bribery laws and regulations. As such, each party represents and warrants that it has not and will not give, or will not promise to give, directly or indirectly, a sum of money or any other pecuniary benefit or not, to any person, and in particular any representative of a public authority, for the purpose of influencing any act or decision, in particular in order to obtain commercial advantages or business relations. 

CHRONOPOST has a business ethics program including a Code of Business Conduct and a Sustainable procurement charter, available on that it undertake to respect. 



If one of the provisions of these GTC is declared to be invalid or null and void, all the other provisions will continue to be applicable.



A legal action will be time-barred on the expiry of one (1) year as from the delivery date or the day on which delivery should have been performed.



The definitions in Article 4 of European Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter the "GDPR") shall apply.

  • Roles and responsibility: As part of its services, CHRONOPOST may process personal data (hereinafter the "Data") belonging to senders and recipients. Each party is responsible for its own Processing as an "independent or disjoint" Data Controller. The parties undertake to comply with all legal provisions relating to Data protection, in particular the GDPR.

The sender undertakes, prior to the transmission of the Data to CHRONOPOST, to communicate all the information required by Article 13 of the GDPR to the persons concerned. 

The processing conditions are detailed in CHRONOPOST's Data Protection Policy. It is specified that the Data contained in the parcels do not constitute Processing for CHRONOPOST.

  • Use of Data by CHRONOPOST: CHRONOPOST collects and uses the Data transmitted for: 

    • the performance of transport and related services (tracking parcels, sending delivery notifications, managing delivery preferences, correcting addresses, embargo control, customs formalities, exchanges with customer service, etc.); 

    • to measure the level of satisfaction of customers and recipients of CHRONOPOST services via satisfaction surveys (by e-mail or telephone) and the production of statistics;

    • to send offers of similar products and services to CHRONOPOST's sending customers, unless explicitly refused;

    • to enable the implementation of contractual and pre-contractual measures with the sending customer;

    • to improve its services and offers.

CHRONOPOST undertakes not to make any marketing use or any other use unrelated to the performance of transport services and associated services. In particular, CHRONOPOST undertakes not to carry out any prospecting, rental, transfer or exchange of any kind whatsoever in relation to the persons concerned whose Data have been provided by the sending Customer. The Client is however informed that in the context of an optional service offer, the purpose of which is in particular to improve the quality of service, the recipient is offered the possibility of creating a CHRONOPOST account in order to benefit therefrom. In this context, CHRONOPOST is the Data Controller.

  • Recipients of the Data: The recipients of the Data are CHRONOPOST, La Poste and its subsidiaries, as well as its partners, service providers and subcontractors. These recipients are located in the European Union or outside the EU. Transfers outside the EU are carried out under the responsibility of CHRONOPOST and are subject to compliance with the provisions of Chapter V of the GDPR.

  • Security and Confidentiality: CHRONOPOST implements technical and organisational measures to ensure, taking into account the state of the art, a level of security and confidentiality appropriate to the risks presented by the processing and the nature of the Data processed. 

  • Rights: Any data subject may exercise his or her rights at any time. These include the right to rectification, opposition, portability or deletion, as well as the right to limit processing. The form for exercising these rights is available at the following address: https://www.



These GTC are governed by French Law.

Any dispute relating to these with a professional will come within the exclusive competence of the Commercial Court of Paris.